It’s never too early to learn about the joy that Christmas brings, and burying your nose into a good book is a great place to start. These festive stories highlight the beauty of Christmas, ranging from festive traditions to fictional tales in both English and Maltese.
From young elementary readers to older, more confident ones – these oBooks are suitable for a wide range of readers.
Take note of the reading level beneath each story to find the right match for your level!
Christmas – Bullfrog Books
Which holidays do you celebrate with your family? These books tell you about holidays from different cultures. Have you read them all?
Level: Lexile 220L/ European Framework for Languages A1 (Elementary)

Il-Maġija tal-Milied – Qari għal Qalbi [Maltese – FREE]
Toninu u Ġakkinu marru jistaqsu lil Santa Klaws fuq is-sigriet tiegħu; kif jagħmel lin-nies ferħanin, iżda Santa Klaws iddeċieda li jidħaq ftit bihom qabel iweġibhom…
Level: Qadfa ‘l fuq – Turkwas

Il-Milied it-Tajjeb – Qari għal Qalbi [Maltese – FREE]
Illum sejrin nixtru l-affarijiet biex inżejnu d-dar, għax il-Milied mingħajr tiżjin ma jġibx ferħ fost il-Maltin!
Livell: Qadfa ‘l Fuq Roża B

Make a Gingerbread Man – Teacher Created Materials
A fun and festive gingerbread man can put a smile on anyone’s face. You will learn how to craft your own special gingerbread man by reading this book.
Level: Lexile 450L/ European Framework for Languages A2 (Basic user)

Il-Qalb Kollox – BDL Publications
Kien lejlet il-Milied. Nora kienet qiegħda tistenna lill-maħbub żewġha Mario ġej lura mix-xogħol. Riedet tixtrilu rigal iżda ma kellhiex flus. X’waslet tagħmel sabiex tara lil żewġha kuntent? U x’sorpriża ssib tistennieha? Il-qalb kollox…
Level: Adult

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